
Witness Skip Tracing



Witness Skip Tracing 


Witness skip tracing is the art of locating an elusive witness. Law firms, in particular need witnesses located to support their legal cases. In many instances the witness must also be served with legal documents. Witnesses in class action lawsuits can number in the hundreds. IRS has veteran skip tracers who can locate your missing witness

Witness skip tracing is a specialized field in skip tracing. In some cases there is very little information to go on. On numerous occasions we have located witnesses where our client only had their first name. In some cases a witness is unaware they are a witness.  In others, the witness has skipped to avoid being served.  Only seasoned skip tracers will handle your witness skip tracing

In addition to witness skip tracing, we also provide process serving services. If you need to have a missing or elusive witness served, we will locate the witness and serve them immediately. Of course you can count on IRS for proper and timely Affidavits of Service.  

Witnesses for Class Actions 


Class action lawsuits can involve hundreds of witnesses that need to be served. With our in house lawyer we can take care of all the details. This can free up valuable resources that can be better utilized to improve your case. IRS can make sure witnesses are located and served with the proper documentation.  Due to economies of scale, IRS can handle your witness locations and subsequent process serving at substantial savings for your law firm

Since 1997, IRS has been providing skip tracing, process serving, Bailiff services and debt collection services. IRS is a fine tuned machine that produces results. We offer bulk rates on Class action witness projects. Save some money and let IRS coordinate, execute and do the leg work on your class action witness project.


Need a Witness Locate? 


Then you should consider IRS. We have some of the best skip tracers in the industry. Basically, if we cannot locate your witness, then nobody can. Next time a witness goes missing, think of IRS witness skip tracing. 

Give us a call and an IRS professional can provide you with more details. You can also request a free quote on our witness skip tracing.