
Bankruptcy Investigations



Bankruptcy Investigations 


Our forensic skip tracers are a cost effective investigation solution for bankruptcy investigations. Some debtors will liquidate and hide their assets prior to declaring bankruptcy.  This is a perennial problem for law firms, especially when the bankruptcy occurs during a large legal action they are pursuing. When there are questions where the money and assets went,  many law firms turn to IRS for bankruptcy investigations

In many larger bankruptcies a lawyer may suspect the debtor has fraudulently preferred and-or conveyed assets, but cannot prove it. In other cases the law firm’s client is demanding an investigation but they have no proof, only hunches.  A cost effect alternative to an expensive full blown forensic audit is our forensic skip tracers

Investigation Results 

Our forensic skip tracers are experts in tracing physical and liquid assets.  If there are any hidden assets, odds are our forensic skip tracers will track them down. Over the last twenty years these three results are the most prevalent in our bankruptcy investigations: 

  • We locate exigible assets that were not declared in the bankruptcy 
  • The debtor did convey assets but is indigent so no financial incentive to pursue 
  • There is no evidence of conveyance or preference 


When it comes to bankruptcy investigations it is absolutely amazing what debtors will do to shield and hide their assets from bankruptcy. Our forensic skip tracers are very familiar with the scams and strategies used by debtors to evade debt. For some debtors, bankruptcy is a game where they can clear all their debt and enjoy the fruits of their deception. We have learned to expect the unexpected with bankruptcy investigations. 

Bankruptcy Investigations Can Save You a Lot of Money 


Bankruptcy investigations let you and your clients know where you stand, based on facts. Our forensic skip tracers will provide you with a detailed report on their investigation.  Knowing the facts is an educated influence whether to move forward, or move on. 

Bankruptcy investigations can save you and your client a lot of money. There is no point in pursuing the matter further and incurring more costs if the assets are simply not there. Also, our investigation lets your client know you are protecting their best interests by providing options backed by cold hard facts.  

Consider IRS on your next Bankruptcy 


Consider IRS the next time you want to explore a bankruptcy. We quote on a case by case basis for our bankruptcy investigations. Give us a call and we can provide you with a quote. You can also schedule a free consultation on bankruptcy investigations.